Brought to you by UNILAB
Self Care Tips
During this time of COVID-19, keeping ourselves safe and healthy should be our top priority. Here are some useful tips to keep in mind, especially if you are returning to work:
1. Invest in your body
Eat a balanced diet
Exercise regularly
Ensure adequate sleep
Take vitamins as needed
Take care of your mental health
2. Prevent transmission of viruses
Wear masks properly at all times, ensure that your nose and mouth are covered
Avoid touching parts of your face and your mask
If using a disposable mask, follow proper disposal procedure
Cover your cough and sneezes with disposable tissue or your elbow. Don’t use your hand to cover your mouth and make sure to sanitize after.
Ensure proper social distancing (6ft or 2m away from others)
Disinfect upon getting to the office and back home
Employ skeleton workforce and try to limit the number of people reporting to work at the same time
3. Monitor your employees
Do temperature checks
Make employees accomplish health declaration forms daily for regular symptom monitoring
Employees who experience any development of symptoms must report this immediately
Establish protocols for employees with symptoms
4. Keep the workplace safe and sanitized
Regularly clean and disinfect all frequently touched areas and surfaces
Ensure proper ventilation
Place safety reminders on infection control and prevention
Do not use other people’s gadgets (laptops, tablets, mobile phones, etc.) Stay safe by following these protocols. Let’s prevent the spread of diseases and infection in the workplace and in our local communities.