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8th National Meeting & 60th Anniversary Celebration

8th National Meeting Poster.jpg

We at PAPRAS would like to invite you to attend our 8th National Meeting: 60th Anniversary Celebration - Paradigms in Plastic Surgery: Integrating the New and the Old that will be on
March 20 from 7:30 AM - 2:00 PM live via Zoom.

Our speakers include:
Lifei Guo, MD, PhD, FACS (Boston)
William Lao, MD, FACS (New York)
Christine H. Rohde, MD, MPH, FACS (New York)
Justine C. Lee, MD, PhD, FACS (LA, California)
Francois Petit, MD (Sponsored by Polytech)

This will also be a momentous occasion as we award our distinguished members for their Lifetime Achievement and Outstanding Achievement (Posthumous).

We’ll see you then!

February 20

Journal Club Part 2-Host: UST Hospital

April 24

M & M/Interesting Case 1- Host: The Medical City