Breast Augmentation
Also referred to as “boob job,” this cosmetic procedure involves the enhancement of the size and shape of the breasts, usually conducted through the insertion of implants beneath the breast tissue.
Depending on your body type, breast anatomy, and skin elasticity, our PAPRAS surgeons can help recommend the most suitable implant type and size, and incision area to achieve a softer, natural-looking augmentation, with minimal scarring.
For this procedure, there are three different incision areas that your surgeon can consider:
Axillary: through the armpit
Peri-Areolar: through the half-circle of the areola
Infra-Mammary: beneath the breast
Ahead of the surgery, it is highly advisable that patients:
Have a realistic set of expectations for what the breast augmentation can accomplish.
Are physically healthy and have no underlying medical condition/s, which can impact healing or increase risks of complications during surgery.
Healing and Recovery
Breast augmentations are an outpatient procedure, typically done under general anaesthesia.
We recommend our patients to rest and take it easy during this time, avoiding any movements that may cause strain to the chest area (such as lifting or stretching) to prevent any complications. During this time, we also recommend our patients to use brassieres with no underwires throughout the healing period.
Patients may resume physical activities 1-2 months post-procedure.
Following health and safety guidelines, your plastic surgeon may advise you to provide thorough information on your medical history. In this time of COVID-19, breast augmentation is considered a high-risk procedure and requires a negative PCR swab result prior to surgery.