Guidelines by Dr. Herbosa
New objectives for a training program to survive during a Pandemic for PS residents.
Challenges during a Pandemic
conferences and meetings canceled
decreasing volume of cases
difficulty of use (ppes) and availability of materials even beds, ppes
safety concerns as related above due to longer and also shorter working hours, personal/professional pressures and material costs and exhaustion
trainees lose valuable work and training exposure
overworked with less important issues like non surgical matters, medical records
health concerns for self and family; transmission of infection to patients and from patients
I. Goals for the Mentor
A) to be able to provide adequate information and knowledge relevant to teach
B) prepare enough materials for continuing surgical education
C) upkeep of quality mentoring like didactics when cases are low
II. Goals for the Mentee
A) assist the mentor and continue on with practice, professional development
B) clear and continuous close coordination and communication for important issues, patient concerns and problems
C) develop synergistic work beneficial work ethics and relationship
III. Trainee Health
a) maintenance of health and morale; psyche stability
b) keep a distance and segregate to avoid contamination
c) initial suspension or avoidance of outside rotations until infection control stabilized
IV. Symbiotic training with other trainees
a) senior and junior ps residency now re/includes basic training in surgical acute and emergency critical care while elective and cosmetic cases are limited
b) deployment to other non surgical needs in the meantime (extraordinary learning) including administrative prowess
c) stay at home if no actual cases in the hospital
d) write protocols, research, and education materials for and with other surgery residents
e) a surgical case is for one resident
f) rounds with necessary individuals only (one consultant and/or one nurse)
g) exemplary with infection control; limits exposure risk thru appropriate contamination protocols
V. Processing essential hospital and interhospital information and technological skills and Advocacies thru media or online platforms for the specialty and non specialty issues
VI. Digital Knowledge
a) E - Library
- 3 or 4d surgical and non surgical libraries and tutorials
- textbooks and journals
b) E - meetings
- teleconference
- virtual lectures/didactics
- journal clubs, department or section meetings
- webinars
c) web or video based surgical education
- live operative case feeds/discussions
d) web based longitudinal assessment
VII. Training by Aptitude and Proficiency Grading
a) attitude and behavior scoring tasks (preop, operative,postop, periop, predefined tasks
b) define levels amd degrees of technical skills with the limited cases ar hand
c) benchmark achievement scores per year level
d) standardization of cases and results
- reproducible cases and outcomes
VIII. Training thru the Surgery Virtuals
- Simulations ( like aviation pilot training)
a) practice for common & uncommon and complex procedures
b) good for experienced and in training individuals
- 3D virtual reality with Crisalix with virtual libraries
- Interactive learning with trainors
VIX. Surgical Research
- With industry partners
X. Individual Program Training Graduate
- Review Graduate Committee led by Program Director and Institution Chiefs of Section
- Clinical Competence Committee led by the Program Director and Training Officers