The Philippine Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
The leader in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery in the Philippines
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New Year, Better Body
If your goal for this new year is to lose fats to have a better body shape, then body contouring aesthetic procedures may be for you. Here's good news: You can do something about your extra fat in a safe and natural way. Liposuction and other body contouring procedures are techniques for sculpting the body as you achieve a better body this new year. Through these procedures, fat can be removed from different parts of the body and help promote a more beautiful figure.
Lip Fillers
With the season of love just around the corner, whether it's a treat for yourself or a treat from your intimate partner, maybe you feel like giving yourself a sensual boost just in time for Valentine’s day. If you’re looking for something minimally invasive and nothing too major then look no further with a non-surgical lip filler treatment.
Facial Contouring the Lower 3rd of the Face
Attractiveness is highly subjective. Some prefer the k-pop v-shape jawline while others want a strong masculine jawline. But generally, practitioners refer to the golden ratio to achieve facial symmetry. The face must first be physically examined and asymmetries must be identified before finalizing a procedure. The most common procedures in facial contouring are the less invasive ones, specifically, hyaluronic acid (HA) implants and injecting Botulinum Toxin A.
Mommy Makeover
Motherhood is one of the most important milestones in a woman’s life. This exciting milestone comes with many changes. As a woman advances in age, she may have more wrinkles on her face, saginess on her lower arm, or stretch marks on the abdomen, legs, and hips. However, these changes can be addressed through aesthetic procedures which we can call a Mommy Makeover.
Men’s Sexual Health
Sex is an important part in the lives of men and women. It’s our way of fulfilling our sexual desires and a way of reproduction. When it comes to males, they start to experience sexual desires right before puberty and may even last until their death. A lot of factors affect sexual health such as mental, emotional, physical, and physiological.
Find Your Surgeon
Locate the nearest PAPRAS surgeon to you. PAPRAS members are scattered across the archipelago and can be found in all major cities in the Philippines.
Standing from L to R: Dr. Vicente Francisco Q. Firmalo (Board of Director); Dr. Brian U. Ang (Board of Director); Dr. Christopher Christian P. Aro (Vice President- External); Dr. Benjamin G. Herbosa (Immediate Past President); Dr. Gene Gerald SJ Tiongco (President); Dr. Fremont John G. Base (P.R.O.); Dr. Gerald Marion M. Abesamis (Board of Director); Dr. Jefrey Michael V. Wong (Board of Director)
Sitting from L to R: Dr. Alexandra Monica Tan-Gayos (Board of Director); Ma. Arlene C. Cala-or (Vice President- Internal) ; Dr. Lora Mae A. De Guzman ( Board Secretary); Dr. Angela Rose C. Hernandez (Board of Director)
2022 President's Report By Dr. BENJAMIN G. HERBOSA
Hello and Welcome to this Specialty Meeting ; the very first of the New year and for the BoD. Life is a Journey and its what you make of it that will be the road to success. As we enter a new phase and shift gears, let me make everyone’s goal in life as not to live forever but to create an achievement or deed that will for you. “Let your dreams have the effect upon the choices you make”. This was my introduction last December.
Mr President elect and now incumbent, with your kind indulgence ; and to the Directors of 2023-24 i will briefly provide my delayed report of 2021-2022
Kindly run through our activities which i simply categorized into 3 tranches namely Conferences Administrative and Training. This presentation will just be a rehash of the Years that were but this report is in brief to mention how busy we were during the prevailing covid times. We’ve been unrestricted already in the latter part of 2021 and accomplished many tasks. By doing this gives our act some Verisimilitude.
That inspite of what should have reclused us due to the pandemic of 2 and a half years, we were more exposed though mostly virtual in nature but our presence was further felt locally and internationally! Even Kotaro Yoshimura obliged with our year ending state of the Art work on Fat Grafting and its wondrous uses. I realized we can accomplish a lot virtually but still much much more with face to face events. So again, a run through of the great participation of our members doing their share in various conferences. Find yourselves in there if you did. So just let the video run while i do my dissertation. More importantly we did a lot of spearheading in the Admin work starting of with the ff:
1)Finally we have a step into Gov’t regulation of professionals in the country by leveling of all professionals in the country. We have now an Established (PQF )Prof Qualifcation Framework Leveling of our society members as a match to others and we are at the highest at 8. A licensed physician would be at level 6! A tesda grad at 4. This move was in tandem with the other specialties for recognition at an International benchmark from a local setting. This is to prepare us for an Asean And Asian Integration thru the auspices of the PRC BoM. Another form of deterrence on those who shall pass themselves as a Plastic Surgeon when they are not
2)We continued to detract from the move made by some lawmakers trying to make their own Medical Track other than what was created by the PRC BoM. With the PCS and all the other Specialty societies, in unison, we moved to contest their actuations. This is on the Physicians Act as well and the problematic Univ Health Care.
3)Strategized to define the Procedures for Ambulatory Surgery Centers limited and only for Papras trained Graduates or simply Board Certified Plastic Surgeons ty to former Chairs Vice and Mel. We also met with the DoH on a panel discussion on this in the PCS 2nd day
4)Focusing every effort to corner PMA and the PCS to have less space for recognizing unscrupulous Cosmetologists or Aestheticians and their unverified Congregations. We provided a strongly worded position paper on this thru Dr Ramon Inso/PCS and Dr Rey Melchor SantosPMA (start of year 2022) Anyway, we have PMA Veep Dr Sonny to keep close watch for us in the event something comes up in the PMA. We need to watch the PMA as that is one battleground we need to secure to solidify our hold and very existence. Dr santos presence will truly favor our position for the next many years. Not that we are in the offensive, we are merely on a strategic defense. An iron glove of and for diplomacy if i can call it! We are defending what is ours and ours alone from many who would like to usurp us. A reminder, much like the WPS!
5)Actually last year, i Made a position paper (also then with Dr Tony Say in 2021)on the limited use of the word “Plastic” amongst Societies within the PCS disallowing its members to use the word if they are not trained nor board certified & affiliated with any of our specified training programs. Of course these were listed by us and presented to them. Again, this issue reminds me of the West Phil Sea, wear that iron glove of diplomacy and ready to settle this by ourselves without asking our neighbours for help. Peace can only take effect or work if it can be enforced. Talks have to pack a punch and certainly ready to land it.
We have worked our way to the world stage being ushered to our rightful place , a position where we truly belong in the Global alliances and leaderships as i already mentioned many times over with the Icoplast, the Isaps, Asps, then most recently Imcas and then at ApRas where we serve with the Council of delegates with 5 (originally then with 9 now) other founding nations. We have set and cemented our place, we need to solidify further and cast everything into mortar and stone! We need you, every single one of you for more papers, more presentations. Let us all be further recognized being seen but more so be heard across the Globe and in all the fellowships of the Nations. One reason for this is knowing some limitations and believing that if you think you are good, there is someone out there who is better. This will give you more room and ample space to learn. I will initiate to put up a Speakers Bureau under the auspices of our BoD so we have an ongoing participation everywhere. As you do more cases and have innovations, report and present them as you please so our society becomes more dynamic and active with all the best possible treatment modalities laid out for our patients. Let us not be timid but instead trailblaze thru proactivity, resilience and honed skills.
I now and therefore leave this gibberish talk and pass the Baton forwards to the next roster of Directors who are; i believe, much younger, brighter, more tech savvy, insightful and more focused to a future that is more promising and wholistic. Trust is having confidence on the honesty of others and i live with these deep convictions in Life.
A few words of wisdom to reinforce my Concluding Address to you dear friends. I also dare not say Valedictory as it is reserved for the scholarly like Glenn, JJ and eric my LSGH co-celebrants (not batchmates) next month, February. (I Still remember what former President and now BoRegent Jj cruz said)
We all know that with much success come the failures. To whom much is given , so much more is expected. With great power comes greater responsibility. Treat your life and medical practice like a tool, it only becomes handy and useful depending on who uses and wields it. As a Doctor , be that prime mover and be proactive. I never learned to live in what was , but in what can be and will be.
Avoid being one dimensional, as when that facet of your life disappears, your character will lose the ebb of life.
I believe it is not what one can achieve but one can become. And when you do so it is that time when you remember those who helped you. Live with the thought that an achievement has your name on it but it will never be yours to keep for long. So USE it as much while you can.
Do not be afraid to be flawed, as we all are, because we are never be perfect. It is flawed people imbued with talents & with wounded psyches that get up and bounce back . Let us not be inflated by our egos and triumphs
but be someone who shall realize and become responsible for each action we make or made. In that way, human dignity is defended and we live in truth and honesty. Also take a breather to slow down and rethink by doing a ceremony of humility, selflessness, kindness and sacrifice. We should all LIVE in those words.
Let it be the ultimate measure of devotion to Life, Family, Friends, Colleagues, Industry Partners to our Nation and to Mother earth. A part of this is to remind us ,even all of those who have left us like (on my side of training as Jorge Neri (he even said i was stupid), Amado Piamonte (you will be good one day), and Socorro Velasco (great work boy), Cris Garcia (learn to smoke so you can be the best kase better ka pa lang now that was before he died) and to those who are still around like Tata Ponce; how these lady and gentlemen have influenced our congregational progress in this country. This society was laid out for us with the thought to preserve and uphold safe, honest, exceptional surgeries for all. Its not just a matter of money; its about some pride combined with long lasting favorable outcomes achieved by plastic surgeons. I envision that the Board of Directors should serve as a library ; where we preserve the past, review the present and where we can reshape the future. (Yes and we have an actual Library finally and started by the generosity and kindness (of no less than a younger mentor compared to the Legends i already mentioned) Kudos Dr Jim Sanchez who donated all his books. He has donated more and turned over especially for the young guys who will use them. I am looking ahead to a Virtual Library as well which Mam Val has started on.
Our role as leaders is simple. We become true trailblazers in our field and be honest politicians too in some aspect. But really, we don’t need to be either or neither. Let’s just simply be Genuine to effect ! As low key and genuine when we do our Charity works effected with Smile Train, Opsmile and many others like Hospital on Wheels, Sta ana hospital, pbm pcmc, pgh of course , and many more of your great personal endeavors that can be acclaimed out there. Don’t stop but nurture more; work on selective inclusivity and shy away from being exclusive.
Finally, sincerest thanks to all of you boys and girls, most especially Gene, Arlene, Mae, Brian, Vice, Mel, Cri, Fremont, Roch, Sonny and of course Mam Val! This was not in any order of Rank and i reiterate again humbly this THANK YOU to all of you from the bottom of my heart for having given me the opportunity to serve you. I give Gratitude today as i believe as well that Gratitude is the Memory of the Heart! Again to our Industry Partners who are present with us especially United Laboratories which remains a Big Friend and Brother and not just a partner.
If anyone missed on the key elements, we will post everything in our website. So, Felicidades to the New Board. May you be more invigorated, inspired to serve beyond your lifetimes
Our Partner Organizations:
Asian Federation of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Societies